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Tony Bowen

I'm a proud Republican running for State Representative for District 42 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

Here is a little more about myself.


From humble beginnings

Raised on a farm in the small town of Dibble, I attended Dibble public schools from kindergarten through high school graduation. I was taught from a young age to lend a helping hand to others in need. I developed a strong work ethic at a young age, learning many skills as a young man. After high school graduation, I went straight into the work force. For many years, I worked in the oil field and later started my own small trucking business. I then entered the safety field, which included instructing search and rescue techniques for military men and women. Continuing in the safety field, I worked as a safety coordinator and contractor in the Cushing Oil Tank Forms for 10 years. Currently I own and operate a dump truck in and around the Norman area.


My Values

Molded by common sense

I'm not a product of the political swamp we see today. My information comes from common sense and faith. I will fight for budget cuts on wasteful spending and deficit containment.

America First

I strongly believe in the America First agenda, prioritizing and promoting the well being of fellow Americans. I support our states rural values of family farming and ranching.

Pro veteran, pro first responder

I'm a firm supporter of our veterans and our veterans care. I'm also pro first responder. I recognize the necessity in restoring law and order for those serving in high-stress, first responder positions. 

Protecting Rights

I'm 100% pro second amendment. I'm also pro tenth amendment, states rights, which serves as a check on federal control of our citizens. I believe life begins at conception. I'm against mask mandates and inconsistent vaccine mandates by the federal government. I believe parents should have the right to choose schooling for their children. 

Promote Fairness 

I'm a strict constitutionalist. I believe in free and fair elections, and I want to see elections that are transparent and protected.

Promote Christian values

I stand for common sense. When reactive "woke" culture and career politicians reach for new extremes, I will lean upon traditional values. I oppose critical race theory. Gender definition should be according to the Bible. I believe in protecting women's sports.

Tbowen for house

A voice for working men and women.

Contact information


Authorized and paid for by Tony Bowen for State House 2024

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